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GRO Collection
Excel Spreadsheet

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While working on my family tree I try to keep things organised by using Excel spreadsheets to compliment my Legacy database.

One of the things that was pretty time consuming was keeping up with which GRO (General Records Office) certificate I have already ordered and ones that I need to order. To help me get a better handle of these things and to prevent ordering duplicate certificates, I created an Excel spreadsheet. I decided to make this public to help others prevent the same thing.

All of the code and the User Guide PDF are 100% safe and 100% free.

Basically the spreadsheet comprises 5 main worksheets. These are:

Sheet Name
Births This keeps a record of all birth certificates, PDFs, or images that have been acquired.
Marriages This keeps a record of all marriage certificates, PDFs, or images that have been acquired.
Deaths This keeps a record of all death certificates, PDFs, or images that have been acquired.
Incorrect This keeps a record of all incorrect (not family related) certificates, PDFs, or images that have been acquired.

These are birth, marriage or death certificates. These are all recorded on the same worksheet.
To Order This is the worksheet where you enter the certificates you want to order. This is the main 'control' sheet.

Entries on this sheet are the ones that will be moved to the relevant sheet by the underlying code when you are ready to file the record.

Each of these worksheets has a header line. It is important that these are left in place and the column header names are unchanged but columns themselves can be moved if desired.

The Column headings are slightly different depending on the event (birth, death, marriage or incorrect) being recorded.

For a full User Guide for the Spreadsheet please download the PDF from here.

Below is a sample "To Order" page. This is distributed in the downloadable Workbook. All of the entries should be deleted before using the spreadsheet...except the header row!

None of the header rows should ever be deleted!

Sample of GRO to order worksheet

The workbook is available from here.

The spreadsheet must be saved as an .xlsm file.

A demonstration video is available on YouTube here.

If you are looking for our other free Excel workbooks, they are available from here.

All of the spreadsheets are free and 100% safe

Although the spreadsheets are free of charge, I would certainly welcome any donations. These help me fund any future developments and/or modifications. Please use the PayPal donate button if you wish to donate.

Thank you and God bless.

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Last modified : Friday 28th of June 2024