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Great AytonParishRegister
LambertonToll IrregularMarriages
Deceased's Surname Name
Deceased's First Name(s)
Cause of Death
All Causes of Death Killed by accidently falling from the h (1) Broncho Pneumonia (1) Cardio Renal Disease (1) Epidemic Diarrhea (1) Epidemic Diarrhea 12 days (2) Convul (1) Measles (1) Pneumonia. (2) Cardiac Failure (1) Premature Birth (1) Senile changes from atheromatous (di (1) Senile Decay (1) Septic Cystitis (2) Pyonephrosis 1. Endocarditis 2. Cardiac Failure ??? Abdominal Obstruction. Acute Enteritis. Abscess of the liver Accidental death. Fall in kitchen and sh Accidentally falling into unused stone q Acute Broncho-pneumonia. 5 days. Acute Bronco pneumonia acute nephritis anasarca Acute Peritonitis Asthenia Acute peritonitis. Asthenia Age and Debilibty Aortic regurgitation Apoplexy Apoplexy 4 days Appoplexy Atrophy several years. Bilious Cholera 3 days.. Bronchitis Bronchitis Apnea Bronchitis Syncope Bronchitis. 10 days Bronchitis. 14 days Bronchitis. 4 days. Convulsions 12 Hours Bronchitis. Mitral disease. Cardiac Fail Bronchitis. One Week Bronchitis. Syncope Broncho pneumonia 6 wekks Bronco Pneumonia 6 days Cancer Cancer of Rectum Cancer of Rectum, Cardiac failure. Cancer of stomach Cancer of Stomach 12 months Cancer of the Abdomen Cancer of the uterus Cancer. Uterus Cardiac Disease Cardiac Disease 3 Years. Convulsions 3 W Cardiac Hemorrhage Cerebral Disease Cerebral Hemmorage in 1 day Cerebral Hemorrhage Coma Cerebral Thrombosis. 10 Days. Red Soften Childbed Chronic asthma. Chronic bronchitis Chronic Bright's Disease. Some Years. Di Chronic Bronchitis Chronic Bronchitis. General Debility Chronic Bronchitis. Heart Failure. Chronic Cystitis. Exhaustion Chronic Mitral Disease. Acute Gastric Ca Chronic Umbilical Hernia. Pulmonary Cong Cirrhosis 1 year and 6 months Cirrhosis of Liver. 2 Years Climacteric disease. 8 months Confinement 12 days. Purymonia (peripneu Congestion of the lungs. Inflammation of Consumption Consumption 4 Months..Diarrhea 3 Months. Consumption. 2 years Convulsions Convulsions 12 hours. Debilitas Debility. Debility. 4 Hours Debility. Premature birth. 7 Months. One Decay of nature Decline Diarrhea Died by the visitation of God from natur Diphtheria 5 Days. Cardiac Failure Disease of kidenys. Dropsy. Effusion of Disease of Kidneys (?) Malignant Disease of liver. 1 Month. Heamopytsis 7 Disease of the heart. Dibility Dropsy Empyema. 23 Years Enlarged Prostrate Atoug(?) of bladder & Enteric Fever Enteric Fever (Typhoid) Epidemic Diarrhea Epilepsy 16 Hours Fatty degeneration of Heart. Syncobe Fever, Gall stones. Jaundice General Decay General Decay of Nature General Paralysis Heart Disease Heart disease. Congestion of lungs. 6 da Heart Failure. Malignant Ovarian Tumours Hematemesis Hemiplegia 18 months. Exhaustion Hepatitis 1 year. Remittent fever 21 day Hooping cough (sic) Whooping cough Hydrothorax Hypertrophy of the heart. 16 years Infantile Jaundice. 10 Days Infirmity. Inflamation of right lung 6 months. Cons Inflamation of the bowels Inflamation of the lungs Inflamation on the lungs Inflammation in the Liver Inflammation of urinary bladder. 5 Month Influenza 1 Week. Bronchitis 1 Week Influenza 3 days. Heart Failure Injuries accidentally received through b Liver Disease and Internal Hemorrhage Malignant tumours of neck - 24 months. H Marasmus Measles. Broncho-Pnuemonia. Tubercular P Morbus Cardis (5 Months) Morbus Cordis Morbus Cordis, Cerebral Thrombosis Natural causes mainly from Disease of th Natural Death Natural Decay Nephritis 3 weeks. Typhoid Fever 2 weeks Old Age Old age and atrophy Old age. No medical attendant Paralysis Paralysis. Phthisis Phthisis (Tuberculosis). Phthisis not certified Phthisis Pulmonalis (TB) Phthisis Pulmonalis. Phthisis Pulmonalis. Effusion. Pleurisy 1 month 16 days. Empyaemia 7 da Pleuro Pneumonia.Congestion of Kidneys. Pneumonia Pneumonia. 2 Weeks Pneumonia. Heart Dis. Pnuemonia Pnuemonia 1 month. ?? (Asthema). Cardiac Premature Birth Imanition (malnutrition) Puerperal Peritonitis - 9 days Pulmonary Apoplexy Pulmonary Embolism Purging Sclerema neonatorum (exhaustion) Scrofula Sencclus syncope Senile Debility. Bronchitis Senile debility. Exhaustion Senile decay Senile Decay 2 1/2 Months. Chronic Bronc Senile decay P.M. Senile decay. Asthenia Senile decay. Atony of stomach. Vomiting Senile Decay. Exhaustion Senile Decay. Heart Failure Senile decay. Hepatitis Senile Decay. Influenza Simple Atrophy. Small Pox Spinal Curvature. Cachexia Strangulated Hernia. Exhaustion Syncope Tabes Mesenterica Tetanus. 4 days Tuberculosis 6 months. Pneumonia 7 days Tuberculous peritonitis. Exhaustion Tuberulare disease of ??? gland. Tubercu Typhoid Fever Typhus Fever 8 Days, Coma 3 days. Ulceration of the stomach. One month Umbilical hernia 5 years. Operation Radi Unknown Valvular Disease of Heart Valvular Disease of heart. 2 years. Vascular disease of the heart. Bronchiti Visitation of God Whooping Cough. Broncho Pnuemonia
Registration County
Select from list Berkshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cumberland Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham Essex Hampshire Hertfordshire Kent Lancashire Lincolnshire London Middlesex Monmouthshire Norfolk Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Shropshire Somerset Staffordshire Surrey Sussex Warwickshire Westmorland Yorkshire - East Riding Yorkshire - North Riding Yorkshire - West Riding
Registration District
Select from list Abingdon Union Aston Auckland Barnsley Bedwellty Bedwelty Berkhamstead Berwick Berwick-upon-Tweed Birmingham Blandford Bootle Boston Bradford Brentford Bridgwater Brighton Bury Camberwell Chester-le-Street Chesterfield Chorlton Congleton Cranbrook Union Darlington Devonport Dewsbury Doncaster Durham and Lanchester Eastbourne Exeter Fareham Gateshead Gravesend Guisborough Hammersmith Hartlepool Haslingden Hexham Holbeach Hungerford Islington Langport Leeds Leek Lichfield Liverpool Malling Medway Middlesbrough Mile End Old Town Nantwich New Forest Newcastle-Under-Lyme Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newport, Salop & Staffordshire Northallerton Norwich Nottingham Pancras Poplar Union Preston Richmond Rowley Regis Shoreditch Skipton Sleaford South Shields Spalding St Mary Newington St. Saviour (Southwark) Stafford Stockton Stokesley Stourbridge Strand Teesdale Teesdale Union Thornaby Tynemouth Ulverston Wallingford Union Walsall Wandsworth Wellingborough Wellington Somerset and Devon West Ham West Ward Westminster Whitby Wirral Wisbech Woolich York
Registration Start YearRegistration Quarter
In After Before Registration Start Year 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 Select Qtr March June September December
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Last modified : Saturday 19th of February 2022