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Free Sample Genealogy Excel Spreadsheets

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News (30th January 2021)

The family spreadsheet has been changed to calculate age at death. It presupposes that dates are entered in the birth and death dates as 'dd mon yyyy (notice the tick mark, this tells Excel to keep it's nose out of trying to reformat the entry).

The age is only given in years.

News (6th March 2019)

The family spreadsheet has been changed to allow an index to be built without having to manually delete the $$$INDEX sheet.

News (18th August 2017)

The Family zip file has been corrected so that the new fields (Qtr and Year) are now included when a new family name is added to the spreadsheet. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this omission, however, a retro fit is available here.

News (25th July 2017)

Fields have been added to allow the Qtr and Year to be specified for the life event. This was done as sometimes the event is registered in a different Quarter and year than when it actually took place.

Qtr(Quarter) is specified using a drop down list. Year is a 4 digit number.

News (22nd April 2016)

There is now a macro in these spreadsheets that will build a $$INDEX page for you. It can be executed using CTRL+i.

There is also a "print all" worksheets macro. This is activated using CTRL+p.
Warning!This may produce a lot of output as it prints ALL worksheets.

While working on my family tree I try to keep things organised by using Excel spreadsheets to compliment my Legacy database.

Recently I restructured the spreadsheets to make them clearer and easier to understand, then I got to thinking..what if something happens to me and nobody understands the spreadsheets?

With this in mind I started to document the spreadsheet within the actual spreadsheets themselves. Then I got to further thinking that maybe other people would like to use these for their own research notes? So here they are!

Basically there are two spreadsheets that I use (Click the image to download the actual spreadsheet):-

Sample of the census spreadsheet
One that holds census research notes

Sample of the family spreadsheet
and one that holds GRO record notes.

Both spreadsheets contain code to make adding new family worksheets easier and for sorting the worksheets alphabetically. They will also auto adjust the columns to fit the entered text, therefore they are MS Excel 2007 (or above) workbooks.

All macros and code are entirely 100% safe and do nothing more than simplify the addition and organisation of the spreadsheets.

To add a new worksheet you press ctrl and m. To sort the worksheets you press ctrl and s.

If you want to tinker around with the default headings etc. you will need to 'unhide' the '$$Code' worksheet, make your changes and then save the worksheet. Existing worksheets will remain unaffected but all new spreadsheets will use your new style.


Do not delete the $$Code worksheet or you will have to manually add any new family worksheets!

Note that any changes made to the $$Code worksheet will be reflected only in any new family worksheets.

The census spreadsheet also now contains a sheet named $$Dates which lists the dates that the UK Censuses were taken.

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Number of unique visitors 4921

Last modified : Saturday 26th of June 2021