This page contains news that has ‘rolled off’ the latest news page.
31st December 2020 We have released our 'DELSTATS' Rexx Exec.

This Rexx Exec can be used to clear the ISPF statistics from members of a PDS.
We use this Exec extensively, especially prior to rolling out software. Our process is usually, delete the statistics, compress the file, then free the space.

This exec can be used from the ISPF 3.4 panels or called directly.

ISPF statistics will be deleted from all members

The Exec can be found here.
16th December 2020 We have added a new section to our website. This section will contain Technical Articles.

The first article discusses how to use WebSphere MQ to help close the batch window on mainframes. The article can be reached use the top menu bar or by clicking here.

We are also pleased to announce that our website can now be reached securely by using:

12th December 2020 Sometimes you need to know the date when the last particular day of the week was. i.e. What the date of the last Saturday? We use this technique to eliminate old records from some of our spreadsheets.

The code is available from here
6th December 2020 We are pleased to announce that we have added Sitelock verification to our website.

What does this mean? Basically it means that a third party verifies that our site contains no malware. We are monitored for intrusion risk by an external entity. In other words we are being policed by an independent third party company (SiteLock) to ensure that your security is being taken care of.
5th December 2020 We have added another little snippet of VBA code to the website.

The sample code will format a count of minutes into hours and minutes.

It is available from here
26th November 2020 The new product is coming on nicely and we are still supporting our clients. Despite this we still wanted to drop yet another snippet on the website.

The sample code will delete duplicate rows from a worksheet using VBA.

It is available from here

As a bonus we have added some Rexx code to demonstrate how to validate the format of dataset quickly and easily.

It is available from here
14th November 2020 We are still currently working on a new product and concentrating on supporting our clients, however, we still wanted to drop another snippet on the website.

The sample code will detect if a cell is merged or not.

It is available from here

10th November 2020 We are currently working on a new product and have been concentrating on supporting our clients, however, we still wanted to drop a snippet on the website.

The code is pretty straightforward but it is still a useful little nugget of information. It is VBA code that shows how to compare to string dates quickly and easily.

It is available from here

24th October 2020 We have added a new page that explains our development strategy. It may not be suitable for every situation but it is how we plan and execute our projects for program development.

It is available from the side menu on any of our pages or it can be accessed from here

21st October 2020 We have added some simple, but very useful, VBA code that will check for the existence of the file within a path.

It is available from here

17th October 2020 We have released a new MPF exit (IEA793AX). This MPF exit will automatically reply "D" to the message


It is available from here

10th October 2020 We have added some more sample VBA code to demonstrate how to access all the files in a folder.

It is available from here

3rd October 2020 We have added some sample assembler code for how to detect a DD card in a JCL deck. It is available from here

We have also added some error prevention code to the VB code for dropping the first word from a string.
12th September 2020 We have added another simple, but useful, snippet of Excel 'how to' code. This code will show you how to compare a time value to a set time. It is available from here

5th September 2020 We have added more snippets of Excel 'how to' code. The two new samples show how to separate the time and date from a cell into separate values and how to extract the last word from a string.

They both can be viewed here

2nd September 2020 We have added a snippet of Excel 'how to' which will eliminate a #DIV/0! error from a cell.

It can be viewed here

23rd August 2020 We have released two new MPF exits HASP190X and BPXI078D and a new sample VB code for dropping the first word of the string.

HASP190X will automatically issue a start command for a JES printer ($SPRTx) the source code for this is available here

BPXI078D will automatically reply "Y" to a shutdown of a zFS file system. the source code for this is available here

The sample code to drop the first word from a string is available here

14th August 2020 We have released another Edit Macro named STARTPNL. STARTPNL as you can probably guess will build a skeleton ISPF Panel structure. The panel will bear the name of the dataset member being edited. This can be useful to enforce site standards for layout, color etc.

Sample output from STARTPNL is available here.

The edit macro is available here

11th August 2020 We have released another Edit Macro named STARTCOB. STARTCOB will build a skeleton Cobol program structure. The program will bear the name of the dataset member being edited.

Sample output from STARTCOB is available here.

The edit macro is available here

9th August 2020 We have released another Edit Macro named STARTASM. STARTASM will build a skeleton assembler program. The program will bear the name of the dataset member being edited.

You will noticed from the sample output (available here) that the output contains user macros (BEGIN, EOJ etc.). This should be changed to your own macros.

The edit macro is available here

8th August 2020 We have added a new sample Windows backup script. It will maintain a rolling backup of a Windows directory. It can be changed to include more directories and/or more versions being maintained.

The sample script is available here or from the main menu (above).

1st August 2020 We have added a new page that has an example of Message Processing Facility (MPF) exit to stop an external writer when it is waiting for work.
The page is available here. or from the main menu (above).

We have also added some sample JCL on how to reload an IEBUPDTE unloaded dataset. It is available here.
25th July 2020 We have added an Excel" S4 Hana (SAP") page to demonstrate how to bypass the AFE Prompt panel and refresh the SAP data in an Excel Workbook

A link is available here.
18th July 2020 Our assembler random number generator macro (RANDOM) is now available. This macro will return a random binary number between between the two numbers specified on the macro call. The result is returned in register 0.

A link to the macro can be found here.

We have also released our CENTER Edit Macro. This will align text on the line to the center of the line. This can be one single line or a group of lines.

A link to the Edit macro is available here.
27th June 2020 We have added another sample Rexx subroutine to the site. "Proper" is a Rexx subroutine that can be used for converting a text string into proper name format ie having a capitalised first letter.

A link to the subroutine can be found here.
23rd June 2020 We have added another demonstration video to the site. The video demonstrates how to schedule a task under Windows" 10. The principle should apply to most earlier versions as well.

A link to the page can be found here.
16th June 2020 We have added to our Excel" information again. This time it is a userform and code that will populate a ListBox from a spreadsheet.
The advantage of doing this is that it negates the need to have the list hardcoded in the code.

The free sample code is intended as a starting point but is fully functional.

The information can the found here.
7th June 2020 We have added a page to our Excel" information on how to implement a progress screen for long running programs/macros. We have also included some free sample code as a starting point.

There are some associated videos to demonstrate the methods but these are fairly small.
The page can be accessed here.

31st May 2020 We have published our Privacy Policy. You can read it here or by clicking the menu item on the left side bar.

We have added a download counter to the website which should be transparent to our website visitors. We felt is was important for us to see if any of our code was actually being downloaded so that we can focus on what our website visitors prefer.

6th May 2020 We have released our 'Sleep' Rexx Exec.
This Rexx Exec can be used to build a delay into a calling Rexx Exec.
It really isn't a 'wait' in the true sense but it will hold a calling Exec up for the time specified.
The Exec can be found here..

15th April 2020 Changes have been made to the Excel" VBA for indexing the worksheets in a workbook.
It is functionally the same except it makes the printout far more
readable with headers and footers. The new code can be accessed from the "Sample Code" menu item above or by clicking here..

29th March 2020 We have added some more sample Rexx code to demonstrate how to calculate the day of the week that a date falls on using Zeller's congruence.
We have also added a page (and linked to it from the menu above) that will explain the calculation for Zeller's congruence.

A working Rexx exec is available here.

26th March 2020 We have added a new page that contains some useful sample PHP code.
The link has been added to the Sample Code link or it can be accessed here.

29th February 2020 We have added a link to our Presidential Grave search pages. On these pages you can find the location of the graves of bygone presidents along with some basic information about their terms in office.
To access these pages click on the 'Sponsored Sites' link on the top menu bar.

18th December 2019 We have added some additional code to the IndexSheetNames sample code that will ask before sorting the sheets. The list will be printed in the order that the worksheets are in the workbook if NO is selected, otherwise the sheets will be sorted into name order before indexing them.

8th December 2019 We have added a page that explains how to avoid Excel" workbook becoming corrupt when using dropdown lists that use comma delimited strings. The page can be accessed either here or from the menu above.

We have changed the site menu to be more general in the Excel area. The free sample spreadsheets are still available under the new heading.

28th November 2019 We have added more Excel" code to the website.
The code will check for the existence of a worksheet within a workbook. This function is used by the second piece of sample code which will allow a user to select the name of the worksheet to be used. If this sheet doesn't exist the code will create it.

31st October 2019 We have added our Excel" modules to the database of free software. It can be accessed from the free software page and by selecting 'Windows' from there.

26th October 2019 Released ZAPVTOC. ZAPVTOC is a very powerful utility that will update a disk VTOC and can be used to rename datesets that are being enqueued, usually by the operating systems. Due to the nature of this utility it will only be distributed on request.

12th October 2019 Released ASLDEL which is a simple little z/OS program that will attempt to delete a dataset that was passed as a parameter to the program. If the dataset doesn't exist, then the program will set a condition code.

10th October 2019 Added some sample code that will unhide all hidden spreadsheets in an Excel" Workbook.

23rd September 2019 We have released a sample Excel" workbook that will randomize columns in a spreadsheet. Details can be found on the Excel page.

5th September 2019 An issue was identified when trying to download XMI files in the Microsoft Edge" Browser. This has been remedied and all the pertinent pages updated to accommodate the fix.

4th September 2019 A new version of ASLVTOC has been released. The installation process has been changed so please read the install member of the PDS. For correct installation ASLVTOC should be added to the TSOKEYnn member.

12th August 2019 We have added a Captcha facility to the contact form due to the number of robot email we have been receiving. The Captcha used will be 6 characters long and a random mix of numbers and lowercase letters.
If you would like a free copy of the Captcha code, please feel free to contact us using the contact form.

23rd June 2019 The coin collection Excel" Spreadsheet has been modified with several performance and usability modifications.
It will open a lot quicker than previously and it has a coin counter on the $$Totals page.
New sheets have been added for Bank Rolls, Mint Sets and Silver Eagles.

28th February 2019 The Excel" userform, frmDatePicker, has been modified to use a veryhidden work spreadsheet name $$$Cal instead of a temporary sheet each time that was never deleted.
Additional anti-SPAM code added. SPAM will not be tolerated on this site. Those who waste time and effort sending SPAM need a life.

16th February 2019 The links database has been re-designed and the links checked to make sure that they are not broken.
Information about the link database has been added to the Links page and the Index page.
Tooltip information has been added to the top dropdown menu.
A new Windows" page has been added along with some sample DOS scripts. It can be found here or on the top menu.

9th February 2019 Added the Free Excel Spreadsheet link to the main menu and linked in the free spreadsheet page.

3rd February 2019 Some anti SPAM measures were added to the contact and support pages. It is amazing to us why intelligent people would waste their time and effort, not to mention other people''s time and effort to send out such inappropriate and often times disgusting garbage.

3rd January 2019 Added a photography link to some of our favorite photographs that we have taken.

16th November 2018 Added some more sample code for Excel VBA to place graphics into a header.

26th August 2018 A new version of ASLPARMC (version 4.0) is now available. This release fixes some issues with the output file has no DCB information on the DD card.
A new version of BSLBR14 (version 7.0) is now available. BSLBR14 has been renamed to ASLBR14 but it retains the alias of BSLBR14 for compatibility reasons. The new release fixes a known issue with the input dataset.

Please update to these latest releases at your earliest convenience.

25th August 2018 QMSTAT added. This is a program that will check the status of an MQ subsystem. It is available here.

4th August 2018 All pages have been updated to make them more printer friendly. Menus and last updated lines will no longer be printed.
Added content to the JCL page.
Added tooltips to the menu items for the software.
Q2VSAM added. This is a sample WebsphereMQ to VSAM Cobol utility. It is available here.

27th July 2018 The main index page was changed to add the standard side menu.
The top menu was modified to add Usermods & Zaps.
ASLVTOC has been changed to allow volume status to be returned.

24th July 2018 A TSO command (ASLVTOC) has been added to the library of free z/OS software.
A new page for User Modifications has been added.

14th May 2018 A rexx exec (ALIKE) has been added to the Rexx library.
Navigation to the free Rexx and ISPF Edit Macro libraries has been added to the top menu under the Free Software tab.

20th April 2018 Edit macro, RUNJCL, has been added to the Edit Macro library. It is available here.

4th April 2018 A rexx exec (MQVER) has been added to the Rexx library and the broken link to the Edit macro IEBUPDTE file has been corrected.

3rd April 2018 We have made available some of our Rexx Execs and ISPF EDIT Macros. (Click the links to be directed to the pages.)
The menu has been modified to add Edit Macros into the drop down for Sample Code.

18th March 2018 ASLPARMC has been released. ASLPARMC page link.

14th March 2018 The website has been redesigned slightly and some more counters added to it.

8th January 2018 A new link has been added to our Faith page.

9th November 2017 The broken links on the ENQWATCH page have been corrected. Sorry for any inconvenience.

22nd October 2017 New free program, MQVer added. MQVer page link.

23rd August 2017 Please ensure that you read our Terms & Conditions page.

21st August 2017 Some Microsoft Excel VBA code samples have been added under the "Sample Code" menu "Visual Basic" option.

28th July 2017 A new Java Script item has been added under the "Sample Code" menu.

27th June 2017 A new menu item of "Links" has been added. This will take you to a page to select the link type i.e Third Party Vendors, IBM etc. and then display those links in a page.

The pages are dynamic in nature so please keep checking back.

18th June 2017 The ENQWATCH page has been added.

31st May 2017 The Mellon Bank Modifications have been added.

Some further tweaking of the website has been undertaken, known typos corrected etc.

29th May 2017 BSLBR14 has been made 31 bit addressable. The links and documentation have been updated.

If you still require the old 5.1 version of the program please contact us and we will send it to you.

If you need any support or assistance with any of the code on this site
if you would like to contact us, please click here

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Last modified : Sunday 6th of December 2020