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Q2VSAM is really a couple of COBOL programs that are intended to demonstrate how to use Websphere MQ to update records in a VSAM KSDS. One program, Q2VSAM, reads messages that are written to the target queue. The other. QUEPUT puts messages onto the queue for processing by Q2VSAM.

As the Q2VSAM program is using a local queue then messages could be sent to that queue from any other connected queue manager of any other platform.

These programs are only intended to be used as examples of some of the MQ techniques available and are not designed to be used in a production environment. The techniques, however, are suitable for use in any environment but may need to be tweaked to suit.

Q2VSAM is controlled by 'commands' specified in the MQ message. These must start in column 1 and be followed by a space then the record number. By default the record number should be 12 bytes long. The SHUT command does not require a record number.

Q2VSAM recognizes the following commands:

Action Command

Command Description

This will cause the program to add a record to the VSAM file with the record number that follows the ADD.  
This will cause the program to delete the specified record from the VSAM file.  

This will cause the program to list, in the output file, the VSAM record specified.

This will cause the program to shutdown. Unless this command is issued, or a zero length message is read from the message queue, the program will run indefinitely. (Additionally some site CPU time caps may result in a time out) .  
This will cause the program to update the specified record in the VSAM dataset.  






This link will take you to a XMIT file that contains all of the files needed for Q2VSAM.
This file is in TSO TRANSMIT (XMIT) format. This file should be transferred to the z/OS system using a file transfer program. The file must be transferred as a BINARY file. It should be transferred as a fixed blocked, 80 byte file.

Once the file is on z/OS it will have to be received. To do this you use the TSO RECEIVE command. Please refer to the IBM RECEIVE command for details on the use of this TSO command.
The Q2VSAM PDS that will be created by the RECEIVE contains several members. One of them, the UNPACK member, is a rexx exec that will unload the 3 datasets that are needed to run the facility. To run this exec issue the following command:


and follow the prompts.

It is recommended that you issue the command under ISPF.

Once the files are created there is another member in the your.Q2VSAM.PDS, named TAILOR. This is a rexx exec that will prompt you for your site high level qualifiers, your desired target queue manager and queue names, etc. Once this has been entered it will update the JCL file with these values.

Please read the supplied $$INSTAL member for complete instructions.


This material has been used successfully by Abbydale Systems LLC. and to the best of our knowledge this material and any system(s) of which it is a part are operational as of the service level or date stated in the body of this material (if so stated). However, NO warranty is given or implied as to the accuracy of this material or any related material or systems, and no responsibility is assumed for any effect or modification directly or indirectly caused by the use of this material.

It is the responsibility of any user of this material to evaluate its usefulness to the user's environment.

Abbydale Systems LLC. does not guarantee to keep this or any related material current, nor does it guarantee to provide any corrections or extensions described by any users of this material or any corrections or extensions made in the future by Abbydale Systems LLC. itself.


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Last modified : Saturday 18th of September 2021