This is a collection of hints, tips, and code samples that may be useful to people who are thinking of developing programs in assembler.

The usual disclaimers apply to all code samples (including the MACROs').

Some of the techniques used here are somewhat dated and therefore you may wonder why they are here. Well the simple answer is that they are still useful/'memory' efficient/fast!.

There is a full XMI library with all of the listed macros in it that is available from here.

Alternatively there is a full IEBUPDTE format copy that is available from here.
  Diagnostics Made Easy(er)  
  label     EX R15,label You can use this little trick to debug your assembler programs.
This code will cause a S0C3 Abend. There are two main reasons for wanting to do this; firstly the registers are left unaltered by the Abend, and secondly this is the only way to get an S0C3 so you can rule out any other statements.

We have included a link to our CRASH macro that will issue this abend.


  Swapping Register Contents  
           CR Rx,Ry
         BE *+10
         XR Rx,Ry
         XR Ry,Rx
         XR Rx,Ry
This little trick can be used to swap the contents of two registers. Its neat in that it uses no additional storage and because of this it is useful when the size of the program is becoming an issue. In fact this method only uses 12 bytes, but only 6 if you exclude the compare.

The initial compare will prevent the register Rx from being made zero if the contents of both registers are equal.

We have included a link to our SWAPREG macro that will swap two registers


  Perform Once Mechanism  
     . execute once code
     . goes in here
         OI SWITCH1+1,X'F0' switch
DEST     DS 0H  continue from here
Sometimes it is necessary to execute a sequence of instructions only once even if the code is called several times. Although good programming practice is usually to steer well clear of self modifying code, here is a piece of code that alters the branch in the NOP from 'never' branch to 'always' branch. In this example the NOP at SWITCH1 is flipped from a branch '00' (never branch) to a branch 'F0' (always branch) so that after the first iteration subsequent runs through the code will branch round to DEST and not execute the code between the SWITCH1 and DEST.  
  Hexprint Macro  
           L Rx,value
         LA Ry,WTO+8(8)
         HEXPRINT Rx,Ry
WTO      WTO 'RxRxRxRx = Contents'
This is a HEXPRINT macro. Basically the contents of the first register specified (Rx) are converted to printable characters and placed at the location whose address is loaded into the second register (Ry). It can be used several times within the same program. Click the link below to download the macro. All that we ask is that you leave the Copyright information in it please. We frequently use this macro for diagnosis and tracing.


  How to make hex code printable (part 2)  
           LA R0,8             Set loop counter
         LA R1,your_out_area Point to target area
LOOP_it  LA R2,X'0F'         Prime R2 with 0F
         SLDL R2,4           Shift first nibble from R3
         CH R2,=X'00FA'      Is it F0 to F9?
         BL SKIP             ...No, skip subtract
         SH R2,=X'0039'      Subtract 39 to get Hex letter
SKIP     STC R2,0(R1)        Store the character into R1
         LA R1,1(R1)         Skip up output field
         BCT R0,LOOP_it      Loop until done
This piece of code is pretty useful for making the hexadecimal value in R3 printable, however it does require that registers 0-2 get 'destroyed', therefore we urge you to save the contents of those registers before using this code if the contents of them are important to you.

This code is best used in it's own little subroutine where the registers get saved on entry and restored on exit. The other advantage of using this code is that it doesn't require any assembler macros, so it is usable 'out of the box'.

We have included a link to our PRINTHEX macro that will perform a hex print. It will save all registers and restore them on exit.


  Write to Programmer Macro  
  Label1   WTP     'Test message'
This simple macro is used in the exact same way as the IBM supplied WTO macro, the only difference is that the WTP macro will set the routing and descriptor codes so that the message should not appear on the console.

You may need to check with your site system programmer to make sure that they haven't changed the IBM standards for routing and descriptor codes.'

WTP Macro

  Folding to Uppercase  
  Label1  OC    FIELD,=256C' '   Fold to Uppercase
This code will fold the contents of FIELD into all upper case characters. If you really don't want to use XL256 then you can simply replace 256 with the length of FIELD.

We have included a link to our UPPER macro which will generate this code.


  Random Number Generator Macro  
  Label1   RANDOM 1,100     Generate random number
*                         Between 1 and 100
This simple macro will generate a random number (based of the IBM TIME macro) between the two numbers specified on the macro call. The number is returned in binary form in general register 0. To convert the number into printable format you can use our HEXPRINT macro (detailed above).

(Note that both registers 0 and 1 will be trashed by this macro as it uses the TIME macro)


  Checking for a DDNAME  
  Label1  DEVTYPE =CL8'yourdd  ',DEVAREA  Look for yourdd DD
        LTR   15,15        Did we have one?
        BNZ   Not_Found    No - Go and do something
DEVAREA  DS    D    For DEVTYPE call
This sample shows how to check to see if a JCL stream contains a particular DD Card (yourdd).

Obviously 'yourdd' should be replaced with something useful (like SYSIN).

If you want to check for a generic DD statement then you can always say:



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Last modified : Tuesday 3rd of May 2022