Here is a list of some of our VB Subroutines that we are making available for people to download and use.

The subroutines linked to by this page remain the copyrighted material of Abbydale Systems. You are free to use the material but please honor the copyrights.

As always you are free to use this code but the usual disclaimers apply.

By downloading code from this page you agree to the terms of the disclaimer.

The subroutines may contain additional required Functions and some of these functions are not available from out function downloads but are wholly contained in the subroutine download.

The subroutines should run just fine 'out of the box'.

Abbydale Systems LLC. - Because IT matters
ColorTheColumnThis subroutine (which requires function FindColumn) will set the background color of a column to the color provided.

It will search for the column based on a passed string or a column number, however this prevents using a number for the search text!

ConnectDatabaseCode for connecting and reading data from an Access database from an Excel Spreadsheet

Link to information page click here.

FillDropDownThis subroutine will fill a drop down box from data defined on a different spreadsheet within the same workbook.

Link to information page click here.

GetRGBThis subroutine returns the R(ed), G(reen), B(lue) values for a passed ColorIndex.

HideAllExceptThis subroutine will hide all the worksheet tabs except the one named in the passed parameter.

In the actual code we also never hide a sheet named "Dashboard"

Remember that if you try and hide every worksheet Excel will throw an error as at least one worksheet tab has to be visible.

HideEmptyColumnsThis subroutine will hide any empty columns on the passed worksheet.

This subroutine requires the function WorkSheetExtant which is available from this website.

There are 2 parameters for the subroutine. The first one is a required parameter and is the name of the worksheet.

The second is optional boolean indicator that is used to determine if the worksheet has a header row.

Sample call code:

Call HideEmptyColumns("Retirement Calculator", True)

IndexSheetNamesThis code will build an index of all the sheet names within an Excel workbook.

The code will prompt to ask if you want to sort the worksheets into alphabetic order before it builds the index.

If you choose to not sort the sheets before indexing then the index will be in the order that the sheets are in the workbook.

We use $$$INDEX as the name of the index sheet. We do this so that when the work sheets are sorted the $$$INDEX sheet is at the front.

To do this just follow the instructions in the supplied code supplied.

Once the index is built you may want to re-sort the worksheets.

Link to information page click here.

IndexSheetNames(2)This is a more thorough version of IndexSheetNames subroutine. It produces the identical results as IndexSheetNames but has better error handling.

If you use this version you must also use our IsSheetNameValid and WorksheetExtant functions.

IndexSheetNames(3)This is a different version of IndexSheetNames(2) subroutine. It produces the identical results as IndexSheetNames(2) but has a little twist in that the tab color of the sheets is reflected in the listing.

If you use this version you must also use our IsSheetNameValid and WorksheetExtant functions.

IndexSheetNames(4)This is a different version of IndexSheetNames(3)) subroutine. It produces the identical results as IndexSheetNames(3) but has a little twist in that the tab color of the sheets is reflected in the listing and it will also contrast the text.(unlike IndexSheetNames(3)

If you use this version you must also use our IsSheetNameValid, TextColorSelect and WorksheetExtant functions.

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Last modified : Saturday 6th of January 2024