There is a field in the CVT (Contents Vector Table) control block that can be used to point to a user defined area (CVTUSER). Under normal circumstances this field contains binary zeros, however, it can be used to point to a user area that you can use to hold system wide user information. It should be noted that this area needs to be recreated after an IPL.

So what can this area be used for, and how do you use it?

The area can basically be used for anything, but in practice it should only be used to information that needs to be saved system wide for other programs or functions that can't be achieved by other means. For example in the past it was used to maintain a table of cartridges that were used by a drive with hoppers to help indicate to the operator that a cartridge may still be in a drive hopper.

With the technology advancements this is probably no longer required. Indeed many of the past uses of a user CVT have been superseded by automation products, however, if you don't have any automation products it can still be an option.

In the past it has been used for many things like preventing run away jobs, runaway RJE lines etc., the setting system wide flags etc.

In truth there are not many reasons to still use a user CVT, but it is fun to play around with the possibilities.

Remember that any storage obtained by your user CVT will have to be able to be addressed by programs using it.

In other words if a program that uses the your USER CVT is 24 bit addressed then the corresponding address stored in your user CVT must be 24 bit.

The recommendation for a user CVT is that it points to an area (it really has to as it is only a fullword (4 bytes) long). The address should then point to your own area that is a table of more addresses (as many as needed but we always leave room for expansion). Another recommendation is that the user CVT gets created as soon as possible after an IPL. We use a Message Processing Exit to create the USER CVT anchor.

So that is the why, now onto the how.

The usual disclaimers apply to all our code samples (including the MACROs).

Please, please do not implement any system changes without the full involvement of your site System Programmer.

Always take a backup before starting and please, if you don't understand the details and process described below, don't do it!

  Step 1 : Decide on the Structure of Your User CVT.  
  * This DSECT defines the fields that are in the area
* pointed to by the CVTUSER field in the system CVT.
*     To ENQUEUE on this table specify:
*   You must enqueue with the options "EXCLUSIVE,SYSTEMS"
*   for updating and with the options "SHARED,SYSTEMS"
*   for reading.
CSAEYECT DS   D    Eyecatcher location
TAPESTKR DS   A    Address of tape stacker area
USERCVTS DS   A    Address of USERCVT work area
         DS   3D   Reserved for future expansion
         SPACE 1
USERCVTL EQU  (((*-USERCVT)/8)+1)*8 Length of the USER CVT area

The mapping DSECT for a user CVT isn't actually required as such, but it does help prevent confusion and programs using the incorrect area and messing up other functions.

Notice that we have defined a 6 fullword expansion area, which is way more than we would ever need but has plenty of extra room. You can change this to whatever suits your needs. An expansion area means that you don't need to rebuild the user CVT to add function.

There are two functions that were using the user CVT area. These were for:
  • TAPESTKR: Display which drive a cartridge (or tape) was last used on.
  • HASPLINE: Cancel a runaway job producing too much output.
Map your area out according to your own requirements.

A copy of our USERCVT macro is available from here.



  Define and Anchor Your User CVT Table  
  START    DS   0H            Start of program
         R8,CVTPTR          Get CVT Pointer ...
         USING CVT,R8       ... and establish addressability
         L    R9,CVTUSER    Get the CVTUSER field
         LTR  R9,R9         Do we already have one created?
         BNZ  EXIT          Yes - Skip to exit
         USING USERCVT,R11  Establish addressability
         MVC  CSAEYECT,=C'MPFEUCVT' Set up table eyecatcher
         CS   R9,R11,CVTUSER   Use CS to update CVT
         BE   Looks_Good    Did it work? Yes - Skip

Once you have mapped the layout of your user CVT the next step is to write and assemble the program to build your CVT control block and anchor its address into the operating system's CVT field, CVTUSER.

It is up to the individual site to decide when is the best time to build the user CVT but it is normally done as close to the IPL as possible. We chose to have a message processing exit do this when a certain message is displayed. This message should really be a unique message and the exit should really check for an existing CVTUSER value (just in case).

The code snippet alongside is just an example of how to check for an existing user CVT control block.

A full working copy of a MPF exit that will create and anchor a user CVT is available from here.



  Using Your User CVT Table  
           L     R8,CVTPTR      Get CVT Pointer and ...
         USING CVT,R8         ... establish addressability to CVT
         L     R9,CVTUSER     USERCVT address into R9
         LTR   R9,R9          Is there a USERCVT?
         BNZ   GOOD_TO_GO     No - Go and do something about it.
         B     EXIT           Go and exit
         USING USERCVT,R9     Establish Addressabilty to USERCVT
         L     R10,USERCVTS   Get address of our CVT
         LTR   R10,R10        Is it there?
         BZ    GETMAIN        No - Go and build it
         USING CSATABLE,R10   Addressabilty to our USERCVT
         CLC   =C'USERCVTS',CSAEYECC   Is it really ours?
         BE    GOOD_TO_GO   Yes - Keep going
         B     EXIT           Go and exit
    STORAGE OBTAIN,LENGTH=192,ADDR=(R10),LOC=ANY,                X
         MVC   CSAEYECC,=C'USERCVTS'  Move in eyecatcher
         XR    R2,R2          Clear R2
         CS    R2,R10,USERCVTS  Save it into CSA
         BE    KEEPON         Yes - Keep going
         B     EXIT           Go and exit

Now that you have your 'anchor' in the CVT the next step is to start to use it.

How you want to use this is entirely up to your own site requirements and, in truth, there is very little need to use it these days. Automation products and advancements in both hardware and software have all but removed the need to use a user CVT, but you may think of some use for it.

In this example we will only show the bare bones of an old use of the user CVT.

Any system that build a user CVT should always ensure that the programs check to see if a user CVT has already been established for the system and deal with that situation accordingly. You also need to consider what to do if the addresses or storage areas get corrupted.

In any event an invalid or corrupted user CVT is not going to affect the integrity of the system.

The code alongside shows how to check if your usercvt is already created or not. If it isn't, the program creates it. If it is already existing, the program uses it.

We have provided a sample program (USERCVTS) which demonstrates how to use a user CVT.

The code is available from here.

The code is provided purely as an example of how to use the user CVT. You should carefully consider the implication to your site before running the code. It is designed to be an MPF exit that gets called when an RJE line issues error messages.

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