This page contains some hints and tips for increasing productivity when using Excel.

Many of these are probably obvious to some people, but maybe others will learn something you didn't already know and find it useful.

These hints definitely work with Excel 2010 and above but they may also work with older versions of Excel (we just haven't been able to test on older versions).

This is in no way an all inclusive cheat sheet but we will be adding to it as time allows. These hints and tips come as 'out of the box' solutions and or shortcuts. In other words they are an integral part of Excel as delivered by Microsoft. No additional coding is required.

Until then....enjoy!

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  Quickly Replicate A WorkSheet  
  There is a quick and easy way to replicate a worksheet without having to go through the usual process.

Simply click on the tab of the worksheet to be duplicate and hold down the "CTRL" key, then drag the mouse to where you want the new sheet and "Viola!".
  Snapping an Object to the Grid  
  Instead of trying to manually line objects up by hand, simply hit the "Alt" key whilst keeping the object highlighted.

The object will then snap to the nearest grid lines.
  Autofilling Cells  
  Excel has some pretty neat auto fill capabilities that can save lots of time and effort.

It can autofill, days of the week, dates, times, month names and numeric progressions (incrementing or decrementing) to name but a few.

The usual method of achieving this is by typing the initial value or values and them dragging the plus sign in the bottom right side corner of the cell. You can drag in any direction (downwards, right, left or up).

If you drag "up" or "Left" the values will be in the reverse direction. i.e. if you type "Monday" in a cell and drag "left" or "up" the adjacent cells will start work backwards from Monday so the immediately adjacent cell will read "Sunday".

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Last modified : Saturday 6th of November 2021