This page shows a list of some of our Rexx execs that we want to make available.

Some of them will need tailoring to meet your own site requirements but we have placed comments in them to identify which lines need to be changed. You may also require a copy of our prepped ISPF panels which are available here. If you would like the source code to the panels please contact us directly and we will make them available to you.

As ever you are free to use this code but please read our disclaimers and copyright information.

A full TSO XMI file of all the code is available here.

If you prefer an IEBUPDTE version of the file, it is available here

In addition to these Rexx Execs we have made available some of our Edit Macros. These are available here

Abbydale Systems LLC. - Because IT matters
ALIKECreate a dataset with the same attributes as the one next to which this command is issued on an ISPF 3.4 panel.
This REXX has been obsoleted by the ISPF "AL" line command

ASLDBACTLoads a ISPF profile (ASLACTDB) with the defined DB2 subsystems on an LPAR along with the status of each one.

ASLQMACTLoads a ISPF profile (ASLACTMQ) with the defined MQ subsystems on an LPAR along with the status of each one.

ASLTESTRThis exec will emtpy an existing sequential file or create and empty a new sequential file

The dataset name should be passed to the exec as the first parameter. An optional second parameter allows you to specify the logical record length to use (the default is 133).

CHECKDSNChecks the format of a dataset name passed to it and returns a code of zero if all is well

CHGUIDChange the userid in the ISPF statistics for a PDS.
This exec can be called from the ISPF 3.4 panel

CLONEThis will create a cloned copy of a dataset from the ISPF 3.4 panel.

COUNTSTRCount the occurrences of one string in another.

CPUCHECKCheck to see which LPAR the exec is running on and return a condition code depending on a list of LPARs that it is allowed to run on.

DB2STATDisplay the DB2 Subsystems defined on the current LPAR.

Along with the subsystem name it will display the staus of each subsystem.

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Last modified : Saturday 22nd of January 2022