'Out of the Box' the IBM TSO utility for preparing (compiling) ISPF panels, ISPPREP, doesn't save the names of the last used input and output datasets. This has been the case since about 2009.

There are three or four things you can do about this.

  1.   Do nothing and accept the situation.
  2.   Raise a request for IBM to remedy the situation.
  3.   Apply the Usermod provided on our website, here.
  4.   Apply the modification provided here.

Warning: Always take a copy of any target code before changing it.

Please consult your site System Programmer before modifying anything.

Notice: We have now tested this fix of ISPF 7.5 and have added this zap and panel to the XMI file.

Please consult your site System Programmer before modifying anything.

  Step 1 Before starting anything decide how to implement the modifications. i.e. Are you OK with changing the current production members (load module ISPPREP and panel ISPPREPA) or would it be better implementing them as separate libraries and leave the IBM members alone?

The pros and cons need to be determined by each individual site. A strong case could be made for installing the fixes into a couple of user libraries and concatenating them above the IBM supplied libraries containing the members. Or you could decide to change the IBM modules in the supplied libraries.

It is really a site decision.
  Step 2 Backup your target files unless you are not hitting the production files. Either way it is always better to be safe than unemployed! You may also want to backup your SMP/E zones while you are on. Backups never hurt but have been known to get people out of a jam.  
  Step 3 Download the XMI file from here  
  Step 4 File transfer the XMI file downloaded in Step 3 up to the target z/OS system as a binary file. The XMI file must be transferred as a binary file otherwise the file will be corrupt.  
  Step 5 Issue the TSO RECEIVE command for the file that was transferred to the target system.

RECEIVE your.uploaded.file.XMI

  Step 6 Unpack the files from the XMI file by executing the UNPACK REXX exec contained in the UNPACK member of the received file.

EX your.received.file(UNPACK)

  Step 7 Follow the install instructions for your chosen method of implementing the change. These are contained in the $$INSTAL member of the received file.


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