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This page discusses the use of an old (but still functioning) VB.Net application that simplifies the networking definitions needed to allow a Hercules 'guest' application (i.e. MVS, z/OS etc.) to 'talk', via TCP/IP, to the outside world.

This page does not discuss how to install and setup the Hercules emulator nor any guest operating system software.

The software was not developed by Abbydale Systems LLC but was developed by the now defunct Bowstore Ltd.

It was developed on a third-party machine running a legal z/OS and with their complete knowledge and approval.Abbydale Systems LLC have tested the VB.Net program and packaged it for distribution but we do not have the resources to thoroughly test the output produced on any guest system above MVS 3.8J but it should work with higher levels of MVS and z/OS as the underlying systems use pretty much the same definitions.

We do not endorse running any software without legal licenses!

Prerequisite Software

For a connection to be made between the host (Hercules) and the guest operating systems, you will need to download and install CTCI-WIN™ from Software Development Laboratories (

We also recommend (although it isn't a requirement) using HercGui from the same company.

Obviously, you will also need to have Hercules installed.

The Hercules emulator is available from the Hercules Home Page.

The MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- System is available from here. This is a legitimate and free copy of MVS 3.8.

You will also need a 3270 emulator. We recommend wc3270 which is available from here.

As HercNet is a VB.Net application you will need to have the .Net Framework installed. The .Net Framework is available from Microsoft™ (for free) here. We recommend getting the 4.8 version or higher.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the external links are working, we are not responsible for any of them.

Downloading HercNet Software

HercNet is available from our website here and is free of charge.

It should be noted that the software works under Windows 10 and requires the VB.Net framework to be installed.

The definitions created by HercNet are contained in an output file that will need to various pieces be copy and pasted into several sperate places.

You should NOT copy the entire file into any definition file or errors will occur.


HercNet is installed by double-clicking the downloaded file from above.

The installation process is detailed in the HercNet program manual. This manual is available here.





This is a link to the installation file.

The file should be saved for installation onto the computer you wish to run Hercules on.


This is the link to HercNet manual.

This manual will describe how to install and use HercNet
Here is a short video of the installation and how to use HercNet.


This material has been used successfully by Abbydale Systems LLC. and to the best of our knowledge this material and any system(s) of which it is a part are operational as of the service level or date stated in the body of this material (if so stated). However, NO warranty is given or implied as to the accuracy of this material or any related material or systems, and no responsibility is assumed for any effect or modification directly or indirectly caused by the use of this material.

It is the responsibility of any user of this material to evaluate its usefulness to the user's environment.

Abbydale Systems LLC. does not guarantee to keep this or any related material current, nor does it guarantee to provide any corrections or extensions described by any users of this material or any corrections or extensions made in the future by Abbydale Systems LLC. itself.


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Last modified : Saturday 21st of September 2024