Public Function CountMergedRowsInCell(myRow As Long, myColumn As Long, Optional mySheet As Variant) ' This function returns a count of the number of rows in a merged cell ' myRow is required and denotes the row that you want to test. ' myColumn is required and denotes the column to test. ' mySheet is optional and is the name of the sheet to be used. If omitted then the active sheet is used ' Example of use: RowCount = CountMergedRowsInCell(3 , 1) ' This will return the number of rows merged to row 3 in column 1 of the active sheet If IsMissing(mySheet) Then mySheet = ActiveSheet.Name CountMergedRowsInCell = 0 myLastRow = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(mySheet).Cells(Rows.Count, myColumn).End(xlUp).Row If ThisWorkbook.Sheets(mySheet).Cells(myRow, myColumn).MergeCells = True Then CountMergedRowsInCell = CountMergedRowsInCell + 1 For X = myRow + 1 To myLastRow If ThisWorkbook.Sheets(mySheet).Cells(X, myColumn).Value = "" Then CountMergedRowsInCell = CountMergedRowsInCell + 1 Else Exit Function End If Next End If End Function