As ever, you use this free code at your own risk.

Feel free to use the software on this site but please honor the copyright.

This code is used, via a LOAD statement, by many Abbydale Systems Programs to define 31-bit DCBS that are used by the programs.

The code is not executable but rather just a collection of the more common DCBS used by our programs.

These include:
  • SNAP
Obviously if your site needs to add or change any of the DD names then care must be taken to ensure the dependant code is changed if any offsets are changed.

We recommend never changing the order of the SYSIN or SYSPRINT DCBS as these are very commonly used by our programs.

It should be noted that not all of the DCBs are used by many of our programs, however, the program documentation will indicate which ones, if any, are used by that particular program.

This link will show the actual ASLDCBS code. To download the actual code use the link below.





This link will take you to the source code for ASLDCBS

The code itself is not executable.

z/OS XMI library

This link will take you to a XMIT file that contains the z/OS library containing the ASLDCBS program and help files in IBM TSO TRANSMIT format. This file should be transferred to the z/OS system using a file transfer program. The file must be transferred as a BINARY file. It should be transferred as a fixed blocked, 80 byte file.

Once the file is on z/OS it will have to be received. To do this you use the TSO RECEIVE command. Please refer to the IBM RECEIVE command for details on the use of this TSO command.

Once this dataset has been RECEIVEd you will need to execute the UNPACK member. This will unpack all the TRANSMITTED datasets.

You do this by entering the following command on a TSO command line:


Reply to the prompts and when the exec is complete read the $$INSTAL member to finish installing the facility.

This material has been used successfully by Abbydale Systems LLC. and to the best of our knowledge this material and any system(s) of which it is a part are operational as of the service level or date stated in the body of this material (if so stated). However, NO warranty is given or implied as to the accuracy of this material or any related material or systems, and no responsibility is assumed for any effect or modification directly or indirectly caused by the use of this material.

It is the responsibility of any user of this material to evaluate its usefulness to the user's environment.

Abbydale Systems LLC. does not guarantee to keep this or any related material current, nor does it guarantee to provide any corrections or extensions described by any users of this material or any corrections or extensions made in the future by Abbydale Systems LLC. itself.


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if you would like to contact us, please click here

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Abbydale Systems LLC Lic. 802696149. All rights reserved.

Last modified : Thursday 26th of May 2022