z/OS Program : ASLCOPY |
As ever, you use this free program at your own risk. Feel free to use the software on this site but please honor the copyright. ASLCOPY is an IEBCOPY preprocessor program that will generate the IEBCOPY control cards required to allow for a generic type member selection to be made. ASLCOPY does not call IEBCOPY but rather it just builds IEBCOPY control cards that can be used as input to IEBCOPY. ASLCOPY has an alias of UTCOPY ASLCOPY comes with a companion Rexx facility named ASLCPY. Details for ASLCPY can be found here. ASLCOPY will check for the presence of a MESSAGE DD card. If one is present it will display any errors in the joblog, if no MESSAGE DD card is present then only a return code will be returned Assembly and Link Edit details of the program, ASLCOPY. can be found here. If you choose to install ASLCOPY or and the Rexx facility, ASLCPY then you need to follow the steps below. A document detailing how to use the ASLCOPY program can be found here or in the PDS that is received.
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